Star Hat Miniatures

Hand-sculpted heroic miniatures for your tabletop games - now available as STL files for home 3D printing.

Check out these new Shadowdark supplements!

ShadowDark Duck Ancestry & Dungeoneer Class

ShadowDark Dog Ancestry & Rover Class

ShadowDark Pork Ancestry & Destroyer Class

Metal & Resin Miniatures



"Picture a game that mingles Marvel's Howard The Duck and Rocket Raccoon, with the adventures of Usagi Yojimbo, Stan Sakai's rōnin rabbit, and a dash of Disney cartoonery, then pepper it with humour akin to Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Now you'll have an idea of what's to come when you leaf through the pun-packed pages of Darcy Perry's DuckQuest: Quack Starter Edition." - Hero Press

DuckQuest Quack Starter Edition is now available as a PDF.

Now Available in Print at Exalted Funeral!
Book: 64 pages,8.5" x 11" saddle stitched book, color cover and interiors. Includes pdf.
Map: 11" x 17" flat size single fold map, color on both sides. Includes pdf

Kiwi RPG Week FREE Download*

*10th - 18th June 2023

  • The Banshee of Billfort

    Dusk falls in the Quaking Quag. The eerie cry of a loon , haunting and forlorn, echoes in the fog. Looming above the crumbling rooftops, not yielding to the swamp, the Banshee's Tower points to the heavens like a blasphemous and crooked finger, beckoning doom.

    Mysterious goings on in Marshington...

    A missing Fisherduck... Can YOU uncover the duck secret of Billfort Keep?

    The Banshee of Billfort is now available as a PDF. Download it here!