The Sculptor

Hello! My name is Darcy Perry and this is where you can find a unique collection of fantasy and sci-fi miniatures that are reminiscent of the first metal figurines I painted in my youth; the glory days of roleplaying and wargaming when White Dwarf and Dragon magazines could be found in the local bookstore. 

In 2016, after thirty years of painting figurines, sculpting my first knight miniature opened a whole new world of possibilities. I sculpted seven miniatures that month! To share the joy of creating tabletop game characters, I started a Kickstarter to raise funds to have them cast in metal: Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom!

It was a critical success which became a hat-trick! The initial 50 Star Hat miniatures came from the first three Kickstarters. My beloved wife and children adjusted well to my mid-life fascination with "green stuff" modelling putty. 

Thanks to support from friends and a growing community of collectors worldwide, three more Kickstarter campaigns followed. Ducks Lost in the Dungeons of Doom IV: Quack Keep, a collaboration with famed artist and game designer, Jennell Jaquays, featured a whole range of Ducks! Law Vs. Chaos brought a new range of classic dungeon delvers and DuckQuest (now available in print through Exalted Funeral) saw a return of the Ducks... and more besides!

Miniatures from these Kickstarters were all expertly cast in metal and resin by Ian and Allan Farelly at Regal (Greytown, New Zealand), Elton Waters at Scotia Grendel (Scotland), John Popson (Effin Cool Miniatures, Ohio, US), Chris Nicholls (Macrocosm, Tewkesbury, UK) and Chris Taylor (Lancaster Casting, Gloucestershire, UK).

Recently I teamed up with Ill Gotten Games, to produce STLs of my miniatures for the 3D printing tabletop gaming community. Now you can download and print them at home on your 3D resin printer!

Where to from here? With The Banshee of Billfort fresh off the printers, I will continue creating new worlds of adventure. If you have any questions or just want to get in touch about turning your favorite characters into tabletop heroes, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Darcy Perry